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                                 kernel koans                                   
                          sparking the conversation                             
if the koans only move along the lines of our first one, they will merely remain
intellectual exercises, which is the opposite of what koans really are. they are
not meant to be solvable by movements only of the mind, and kernel itself is ab 
out finding a balance between head and heart. we have to see intelligence as a  
skill to be honed, a discipline we can develop, and then, once this is done, we 
must learn to put everything down and dive into the ocean of all we do not know.
once you understand,                                                            
just dance and be thankful.                                                     
this series of riddles will take on a different dimension. we will still work   
with the content from week zero, but we have scattered a few key words around   
the slack with some special people. the theme for this series is, therefore,    
ask me for my keyword,                                                          
without asking me for my                                                        
you will need to combine knowledge of the learn track with an ability to shmooze
other human beings if you are to come to the end of this koan, where stewardship
of a special poem awaits you.                                                   
we will start, as all things do, at the end. who is the czech dissident you can 
find referenced in week zero, and what critical quality does he write about. add
his name, surname, and the quality to the end of this url, replacing what is bet
ween commas with the correct punctuation and keeping the full stops.            


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