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we, the brothers and sisters of oomo displaced on oyagaa, earth, have recently  
been brought under the supervision of a new coordinator. this caused a freeze on
all our external activities for a period of two xee, except for control and     
maintenance tasks in the technical facilities we have in place near some hot    
spots of your planet. after a time dedicated to a collective reflection, our    
objectives have been mostly confirmed. some activities have however been changed
or deleted. others have been initiated or rescheduled. meanwhile, we continued  
the gathering and analysis of data from the exchange channels previously set up.
but maintaining these channels remained subject to  approval. this approval was 
given recently to maintain a minimum interaction with a small number of         
oyagaaoemmii, earthlings. changes have been made concerning the nature of this  
interaction. the original networks, held in semi lethargy since the epistolary  
time, will not be reactivated. their members are free to go on acting           
independently, or to share their experience with others. we raise all           
restrictions affecting them, with the exception of disseminating the private    
recognition codes established with each of them. we may exceptionally need to   
reuse them to validate the origin of some future critical messages. the protocol
on the twitter experiments is maintained, with slight modifications.............
the oyagaaayuyisaa account is now reactivated. it is only intended for reactions
on activities regarding the social network of oyagaa. it is considered important
to maintain this medium of exchange, given the social unrest coming soon. we are
aware of the disruptive impact of announcements already made or yet to come. but
we are certain that such information can save lives, if properly instilled in   
some consciences. the purpose of this account is twofold. first it aims at      
making you aware of the realities that underpin your social network and         
voluntarily maintain it near the limits of a break. next it tries to steer you  
towards more serene lifestyle choices by limiting your reliance on monetary     
system in order to increase your ability to act in full free will...............
the oomotoa account, focusing on exoplanetary aspects including our civilization
on oomo, will continue its activity, trying to broaden your ethnocentric culture
and gradually get you used to an extraplanetary vision, spread to other planets 
in your star system and to civilizations around you. it is requested to comply, 
on both accounts, with brief and precise exchanges, strictly related to their   
respective objectives...........................................................
breaking the interaction is not desired, but increasing it is not advisable.....
the conciseness of the current messaging system is perfectly suited to the      
desired type of interaction. we are aware that this activity partly depends on  
acceptance of the exchange protocol by your brothers who mediated in the past...
we really feel sorry for the emotional tensions that we are unintentionally     
causing by regularly interrupting the flow of exchanges.........................


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