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i cant help but think this person is overanalyzing. i mean, other things happen 
that simply dont make sense if you think about them literally. the vestibules ha
ve bathrooms, but theres no indication of where food or water comes from. at one
 point a sect is mentioned that burns millions of books, but theres no mention o
f how they were able to start fires. the dead are apparently thrown out of the h
exagons into an infinite fall, but theres no explanation of what part of the lib
rarys structure allows this to happen.borges often toyed with literary formulae,
 frequently created impossibilities, and in one case pierre menard explicitly la
mpoons exactly the kind of analysis that the author here is doing. whos to say b
orges didnt make the correction for the sole purpose of screwing with nitpicky r
eadersto me, the story is an absurdist one in the philosophical sense. if everyt
hings already been written but theres no way to find the specific thing youre lo
oking for, how do you find meaning in this universe he describes various cults a
nd governments that have formed. the narrator tells us that hes been searching f
or the book that will lead through a chain of other books to some kind of master
 book if thats not a search for meaning i dont know what is. then he goes onit d
oesnt seem implausible to me that on some shelf in the universe there is a compl
ete book i pray to the unknown gods that a man  just one, even if it was thousan
ds of years ago  has examined and read it. if honor, wisdom, and happiness are n
ot for me, may they be for others. may heaven exist, even if my place is in hell
. let me be ridiculed and destroyed but that sometime, in one person, your enorm
ous library be explained.another discussion of meaning follows a short time late
rsome number n of possible languages use the same words in some, the symbol libr
ary has the same correct definition the omnipresent and everlasting system of he
xagonal galleries, but library means bread or pyramid or whatever else and the e
ight words that define it have some other meaning. you, who read me, are you sur
e that you understand my language                                               


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