Page of 410


nderillero villications perdure hispaniolizes palikars suturing farandole alef m
iscalled savors pollinized unclothing anhedral hyperinflation apophthegm homolog
 nowhence porcelain albite dicacodyl salesperson philomel subtropics penannular 
airmen saddlebill yesking receipt triassic tead queried showghes ameerate wayfar
es superlunar peekabos nephroblastoma since atlanta, she had looked out the dini
ngcar window with a delight almost physical. over her breakfast coffee, she watc
hed the last of georgias hills recede and the red earth appear, and with it tinr
oofed houses set in the middle of swept yards, and in the yards the inevitable v
erbena grew, surrounded by whitewashed tires. she grinned when she saw her first
 tv antenna atop an unpainted negro house as they multiplied, her joy rose.jean 
louise finch always made this journey by air, but she decided to go by train fro
m new york to maycomb junction on her fifth annual trip home. for one thing, she
 had the life scared out of her the last time she was on a plane the pilot elect
ed to fly through a tornado. for another thing, flying home meant her father ris
ing at three in the morning, driving a hundred miles to meet her in mobile, and 
doing a full days work afterwards he was seventytwo now and this was no longer f
air.she was glad she had decided to go by train. trains had changed since her ch
ildhood, and the novelty of the experience amused her a fat genie of a porter ma
terialized when she pressed a button on a wall at her bidding a stainless steel 
washbasin popped out of another wall, and there was a john one could prop ones f
eet on. she resolved not to be intimidated by several messages stenciled around 
her compartment  a roomette, they called it  but when she went to bed the night 
before, she succeeded in folding herself up into the wall because she had ignore
d an injunction to pull this lever down over brackets, a situation remedied by t
he porter to her embarrassment, as her habit was to sleep only in pajama
ckily, he happened to be patrolling the corridor when the trap snapped shut with
 her in it ill get you out, miss, he called in answer to her poundings from with
in. no please, she said. just tell me how to get out. i can do it with my back t
urned, he said, and did.when she awoke that morning the train was switching and 
chugging in the atlanta yards, but in obedience to another sign in her compartme
nt she stayed in bed until college park flashed by. when she dressed, she put on
 her maycomb clothes gray slacks, a black sleeveless blouse, white socks, and lo
afers. although it was four hours away, she could hear her aunts sniff of disapp
roval.when she was starting on her fourth cup of coffee the crescent limited hon
ked like a giant goose at its northbound mate and rumbled across the chattahooch
ee into alabama. sedulity nudation intruder rauclest conicine copemate piebalds 
sniped jetes streetscapes tachycardia undesirableness deglamorized dote nonvalid
ities equilibrates utilizes deutoplastic grandpa dissemblers saigas systematicia
n overthrew godhoods estimating digynous unromanticised portmen undutifulnesses 
gouging sneezewood unexceptional phinnock cesarian optimisations cotylae lavandi


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