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                             finding the blue book                              
                                  the burning                                   
the ocean was ceremonial fire                                                   
this morning,                                                                   
a scent of what is                                                              
neither near nor far,                                                           
one turn away for those                                                         
who know nothing other                                                          
than this burning love                                                          
and how to drown in it.                                                         
the waves were your divan,                                                      
soul singer                                                                     
of an empty shore,                                                              
deep blue drawn back                                                            
by the full moon arriving                                                       
in ripples of gathered grain,                                                   
soft gold given only                                                            
to dance with wind.                                                             
hark the call to come home                                                      
where hearts fire has heated                                                    
our living water.                                                               
here, one is enough                                                             
and we give what we love                                                        
and grace has no end.                                                           
                                  continued on                                  


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