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                             finding the blue book                              
we have wondered this                 .                                         
milky way for millennia,              .                                         
waiting for the circles to            .                                         
intersect and give birth,             .                                         
to bear the fruit we mistook          .                                         
as forbidden,                         .                                         
when really it is to be               .                                         
o mother, the one                     .  a fourfold blue feeling                
who met that black man                .  that blows softly on                   
in the middle of his passage          .  the dreaded horn                       
and offered him a secret              .  so you can hear, not finality          
in return                             .  but infinite liveliness,               
for all his sincere seeking,          .  god as a living process,               
who opened up the flow from           .                                         
dark water to red form                .                                         
and this honeyed, golden thread,      .                                         
the healing we each find here         .                                         
when we personify                     .                                         
the principle responsible             .                                         
for so much repetition,               .                                         
remembering that it goes on           .                                         
itself                                .                                         
without repeating                     .                                         
                                      .  a verb most vital.                     
                                  continued on                                  


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