................................................................................ finding the blue book ................................................................................ thought ................................................................................ this is not what this is what you think is the truth is to be forgotten. there is no two just be be, only now, this eternity heart full overflowing, having given up, drawn into grace just to find that which grows this garden grows too in you. with all its gaps, it goes on never fails to respond, each season in fact, if you remember it is because it is so holy, this sacred hedge, that the view from here is seen from both sides, breathtakingly clear, so breathtaking you realise realise right here that this is. is not this the truth, what you think reforged for it to be broken open, though it was clear, a baffled king coming home must bring it in this eternal return back together. ................................................................................ continued on https,colon,slash,slash,libraryofbabel.info,slash,bookmark.cgi,questionmark, findingdrowning ................................................................................
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