Page of 410


                             finding the blue book                              
                                  the route                                     
it is simple.                                                                   
to find a manual                                                                
of all under heaven,                                                            
labour on earth without                                                         
worshipping what you make.                                                      
doing this or that, you give in                                                 
to your own division,                                                           
rather than up to the virtue                                                    
which cleaves uncut wood.                                                       
no mystery in this                                                              
mysterious way which is                                                         
only dust of the way.                                                           
whether it is salaam                                                            
or a small dark light,                                                          
you must speak it                                                               
for yourself and, in this                                                       
find your way back.                                                             
                                  continued on                                  


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