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                             finding the blue book                              
why, this is what we were fed with before. two twenty five to twenty eight.     
the cat is cleaning his asshole                                                 
the yellow jessamine is flowering with                                          
venus seems so close that shaykh says                                           
it must be                                                                      
a satellite                                                                     
and what does it matter                                                         
when all is connected                                                           
and the stars are laughing bells                                                
for giving                                                                      
you a sense of humour.                                                          
darkness has no origin                                                          
and cannot carry on itself,                                                     
it fades the moment                                                             
light enters                                                                    
to bear this weighty word,                                                      
so let the stream in your heart                                                 
burst and be in awe                                                             
of the abundance bestowed                                                       
by simply sacrificing                                                           
this self who can leave                                                         
no lasting trace.                                                               
                                  continued on                                  


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