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                            finding the blue book                               
                            are we wide enough yet                              
                           to know being as giving                              
                           unconditional emptiness,                             
                               self enfolding                                   
                             in formed nothing.                                 
                          can this infinite nonsense                            
                         possibly know its own source                           
                                 and be said                                    
                           to abide, beckoning me                               
                              over for some tea                                 
                          so we can play at passing                             
                                 time again                                     
                             in the still point                                 
                             past understanding.                                
                            here is a simple fact.                              
                               can you face it                                  
                               without memory,                                  
                                   wake up.                                     
                           end of chapter five                                  


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