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                            finding the blue book                               
                                vast intimacy                                   
write at the heart                                                              
of our suffering,                                                               
we find the peace and joy                                                       
we once sought                                                                  
by turning away.                                                                
let the sorrow of all this                                                      
cut through every act                                                           
of seeking and resistance.                                                      
you cannot avoid                                                                
the darkness,                                                                   
though you can empty                                                            
yourself in it and see                                                          
how we are already full                                                         
of a light before light                                                         
which leads us to know                                                          
shadows and sense                                                               
their intimate unity                                                            
with what shines.                                                               
here is a secret.                                                               
                                  continued on                                  


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