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                             finding the blue book                              
                                 mysterin ludi                                  
these lude words                       .                                        
ask you only to walk in                .                                        
and wait a while with me,              .                                        
wile it away as the sound              .                                        
is made fresh                          .                                        
this fateful day when we               .                                        
alter destiny.                         .                                        
                                       .  o, my friends,                        
what wonder there is                   .                                        
in all this wandering,                 .                                        
having been whirled                    .  it is such a way,                     
through the pen and taught             .                                        
eloquence, willed                      .                                        
through all obstacles                  .  and you have waited for me            
by that old elephant,                  .                                        
carrying messages from                 .                                        
all seven realms                       .  so well in this forest,               
with wings on the souls,               .                                        
that sole place we forgot              .                                        
to look before launching               .  calling out the name                  
ourselves into another race            .                                        
to the death of a sun                  .                                        
who cannot die,                        .  each day as you take flight,          
but is brought forth                   .                                        
each returning dawn                    .                                        
by a beetle and a bird.                .  curved beaks and crescent moons,      
                          this everlasting miracle,                             
                              a living in mystery.                              
                                   continued on                                 


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