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                             finding the blue book                              
                                golden relating                                 
a great golden swarm                                                            
swept through my dreams,                                                        
drafting symbols in the air                                                     
above a stadium struck dumb                                                     
by the formation                                                                
and its shifting song.                                                          
i know these signs                                                              
as well as you,                                                                 
and though we read differently                                                  
the meaning stays just as it is,                                                
changing everything                                                             
but the heart of each                                                           
all these honeyed hexagons                                                      
hold untold ways, inviting                                                      
us to play along                                                                
a spacious path,                                                                
open to all the worlds                                                          
willing to praise                                                               
and pay the only toll there is,                                                 
knowing always that                                                             
it tells of thee.                                                               
                                  continued on                                  


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