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                             finding the blue book                              
                                in completeness                                 
it is complete,                                                                 
all that must be                                                                
done is to take part                                                            
in this wholly different                                                        
so sing it,                                                                     
honoured idiot                                                                  
of the holy one,                                                                
held still in this open field,                                                  
examined and found wanting,                                                     
desirous of one last dance                                                      
wide awake in the divine,                                                       
radiant wanderer of timeless night                                              
and our solar systems cycles                                                    
of unchanging mercy.                                                            
greater yet and no different                                                    
from a cup of tea in a jungle                                                   
as nightjars renew their remembrance                                            
and the smell of equanimity rises.                                              
                           end of chapter four                                  


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