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                             finding the blue book                              
there is only consciousness,                                                    
though it appears mixed in us                                                   
with experience, so i ask                                                       
what is this experience                                                         
which mixes me up                                                               
if there is only consciousness.                                                 
total honesty,                                                                  
cloud child.                                                                    
you cannot know this one,                                                       
simply see your own i am.                                                       
be confused by your fullness,                                                   
then overflow with the crystal love                                             
of one shared being.                                                            
see beauty in the world,                                                        
majesty in the heart.                                                           
your experience can no more veil                                                
this transparent ground                                                         
in which, by grace,                                                             
i know myself.                                                                  
                                  continued on                                  


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