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                             finding the blue book                              
hello my love,                                                                  
when do you want your lunch.                                                    
next life.                                                                      
please be there in ten minutes.                                                 
the table was set so long ago,                                                  
a feast for those with hearts to see                                            
that whether the sacred flame                                                   
flickers right or left                                                          
is only a matter of perspective.                                                
dear friends,                                                                   
the robe is right around us.                                                    
long may it find us here,                                                       
fend off our arrogance and pride,                                               
help us pray for that                                                           
timeless embrace                                                                
and the eternal joy                                                             
of pure simplicity.                                                             
there is no truth, but truth.                                                   
the first words,                                                                
intentionally imperfect                                                         
but written clearly.                                                            
die dien is altyd perfek.                                                       
                                  continued on                                  


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