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a book has an author and so a book has authority.and so it is only natural to th
ink the universe has an author who, naturally, has authority.but the first book 
was printed by johannes gutenberg in , in the seventeen century, so the author a
nd hence authority only came into existence about  years we might reasona
ble think that the author of the universe and their authority also came into exi
stence about  years ago.and as the book played a key role in the development of 
the renaissance, the reformation, the age of enlightenment, and the scientific r
evolution, and laid the material basis for the modern knowledgebased economy, an
d the spread of learning to the masses, it has enormous, overwhelming authority.
so it is unthinkable that the book is dead anymore than god is dead.yet with the
 invention of the electric telegraph in  the book was relegated to the content o
f the electronic media, just as the manuscript had been relegated to content of 
the book in .so we cant help but think that the author of the universe has been 
relegated as well.and as a corollary, we notice that the institutions that house
 the author of the universe are losing their authority.                         


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