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since my last page i have decided two things. firstly, due to the lack of succes
s of page , thanks guys, i have decided this book i am writing, will be written 
in reverse. so if you are reading this, and have read all higher pages, you are 
one page away from the end. well done. being in reverse, i do not know where the
 start of this book is, yet. but because we know the library of babel is not inf
inite, it must have one. there are many stories in the library, and each story w
ill follow a different path. even the exact same letter, number and symbol combi
nation could mean completely different things, even the exact opposite, in diffe
rent paths. this is all due to the fact, that as we keep on reading further into
 uncharted territory and new words derive meaning, those new words will become t
he foundation in future definitions of entire strings and later full pages of al
phanumerical characters, that is based on our current knowledge, completely unde
fined. this books goal is, therefor, to find the start of this path. our goal de
fines our path, all be it only probabilistically, but this will guide us on our 
way to the start. the beauty is, the library defines everything, even itself. so
 on my path to the start, i expect to drift from this goal, from time to time. a
nd that brings me to the second thing i have decided. this book will become my p
ersonal diary, and i would like to share it with you all. and more than that, i 
want you all to contribute in writing our story. you are more than welcome to sh
are my goal of finding the start, finding a different start or even a completely
 different goal that appeals to you. you are more than welcome to write duplicat
e pages , , ... with the same or different content. you are more than welcome to
 just read. its all on a blockchain after all, so its not like a really have a s
ay in this anyway. but be careful what you write, because every letter puts you 
on a completely different path on the way to a completely different start. on my
 first attempt at page  i said i would talk about how to potentially find the st
art, but i just felt that this needed to be put out there, as it would be great 
if some of you could start helping me tackle this immense task. anyway, thanks f
or reading, in my next page, i promise, i will talk about how i think we can pot
entially start defining and then exploring this path.                           


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